Olympic-Style Weightlifting Can Be a Safe Way to Train

Train with a USA Weightlifting-certified coach in Lawrenceville & Duluth, GA

Unlike other types of weightlifting, which can cause serious injury due to the repetitive lifting of extremely heavy weights, Olympic-style weightlifting is less risky for lifters who use proper form. Dynamic Core Fitness emphasizes safety when training lifters to perform the snatch, clean and jerk.

Depending on your athletic development goals, you can work with us to...

  • Compete in weightlifting tournaments in Lawrenceville, Duluth, GA or the surrounding area
  • Build strength and increase your endurance for any physical activity
  • Train for the Olympics

Call 678-965-8151 now to arrange a meeting with one of our coaches.

Power, speed and coordination

Olympic weightlifting focuses on these three elements of athletic development, making it an excellent way to train for any sport. Plus, it may help you slim down.

Contact us today to sign up for Olympic-style weightlifting classes in Lawrenceville & Duluth, GA.